Vesna Podrug Kossjanenko rođena je u Splitu, gdje je završila osnovno i srednje opšte i muzičko obrazovanje. Kao dobitnica stipendije Ivo Pogorelić odlazi na studije u Beč, na Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst u klasu prof. Paula Badura-Skode. Godine 1992. završava studije Klavira naslovom Magistra umjetnosti; 1989. godine bila je stipendista Austrijskog ministarstva za znanost. Od 1992. do 1994. usavršavala je klavirsku kamernu muziku kod prof. Georga Eberta. Godine 2000. na istom je Univerzitetu završila 1. stepen (bakalaureat) profesora Muzičke teorije s izvrsnim uspjehom. Nakon završetka studija bila je angažovana kao umjetnički saradnik u Operskom teatru u Gracu (1997–1999) te kao korepetitor u Bečkoj Državnoj Operi (1999–2008). Od 2002. do 2008. bila je angažovana kao umjetnički saradnik na Univerzitetu za muziku i scensku umjetnost u Beču. Za vrijeme života u Austriji učestvuje aktivno u muzičko-scenskim izvedbama kao solista: Veče Geršvina na izvedbama u operskom teatru Grac, Veče Betovena kao solista s orkestrom u Državnoj operi u Beču, Radtsadt – Austrija u monodrami Viktora Ullmana Ode o životu i smrti. Nastupala je na muzičkim festivalima širom Austrije te renomiranim koncertnim dvoranama: Konzerthaus i Musikverein u Beču. Osim u Austriji nastupa i širom Evrope, solistički i u saradnji s drugim solistima i sastavima: festival Falaut na konzervatorijumu Giuseppe Verdi u Milanu, festival Recontres musicales u Bordou, Francuska, Hartberg festival – Austrija, Splitsko ljeto, Dubrovačke ljetne igre, Večeri u sv. Donatu, u dvorani Vatroslav Lisinski u Zagrebu. Sarađivala je s mnogim renomiranim solistima, među kojima su: Lorens Braunli (Lawrence Brownley), tenor, Hui-He, sopran, Žerar Kose (Gerard Causse), viola, Martina Serafin, sopran, solisti Большой театр iz Moskve, Majkl Kugel (Michael Kugel) s kojim je za CD dobila nagradu magazina Strad, Karl-Hajnc Šuc (Karl-Heinz Schütz), solo-flautista Bečke filharmonije. Nakon 6 godina pedagoškog rada na Univerzitetu za muzičku umjetnost u Beču, vraća se u Split 2008, gdje stjiče zvanje Docenta i gdje vodi svoju klasu za Klavir glavni predmet u kontinuitetu do danas. U njenoj klasi (individualna nastava) diplomiralo je 13 studenata. Recenzent je 4 stručna udžbenika i notna izdanja. Vršila je funkciju rukovodioca odsjeka za Klavir i prodekana za nastavu Glazbenog odjela kroz dva mandata. Proaktivno organizuje nove projekte za studente u kojima predstavlja njihova postignuća u javnom prostoru grada – 10 godina organizuje Dane Baha, i posljednje 4 godine solističke nastupe studenata UMAS-a s orkestrom HNK u Splitu.
Vesna Podrug Kossjanenko was born in Split where she completed her primary and secondary musical education. As a scholarship winner, Ivo Pogorelić, she goes to study in Vienna, at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in the class of prof. Paula Badura-Skoda. In 1992, he completed her piano studies with the title of Master of Arts. In 1989 she was a scholarship recipient of the Austrian Ministry of Science. From 1992 to 1994 she studied piano chamber music with prof. Georg Ebert. In 2000, at the same University, she completed her 1st degree (baccalaureate) as a professor of Music Theory with excellent degrees. After finishing her studies, she was engaged as artistic associate at the Opera Theater in Graz (1997-1999) and as accompanist at the Vienna State Opera (1999-2008). From 2002 to 2008 she was engaged as an artistic associate at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. During her life in Austria she actively participates in musical and stage performances as a soloist: Gershwin Evening at performances in the Graz Opera House, Evening of Beethoven as a soloist with the orchestra at the State Opera in Vienna, Radtsadt, Austria in Viktor Ullman’s monodrama Ode on Life and Death. She performed at music festivals throughout Austria and at renowned concert halls: Konzerthaus and Musikverein – Vienna. Beside performing in Austria, she performs all over Europe, as a soloist and in collaboration with other soloists and ensembles: the Falaut festival at the Giuseppe Verdi conservatory in Milan, the Recontres musicales festival in Bordeaux, France, the Hartberg festival – Austria, Split summer, Dubrovan summer games, Evenings in St. Donat, in the Vatroslav Lisinski hall in Zagreb. She collaborated with many renowned soloists, including: Lawrence Brownley, tenor, Hui-He, soprano, Gerard Causse, viola, Martina Serafin, soprano, soloists of the Bolshoi Theater from Moscow, Michael Kugel, with whom she won the Strad magazine award for her CD, Karl-Heinz Schütz, solo flautist of the Vienna Philharmonic. After 6 years of pedagogic work at the University of Music in Vienna, she returned to Split in 2008, where he obtained the title of Docent and where she leads a class for Piano, continuously to this day. She is a reviewer of 4 professional textbooks and sheet music editions. She held the position of Head of the Piano department and Vice dean for teaching at the Music Department for two terms. He proactively organizes new projects for students in which they presents their achievements in Split and surrounding cities – for 10 years she has organized Days of J. S. Bach, and for the last 4 years solo performances of UMAS students with the orchestra of the Croatian National Theater in Split.