STEFAN ŠAPUI, magistar harmonike, dobitnik je značajnih nagrada na internacionalnim takmičenjima (1983-1992.) Profesor  je harmonike i kamerne muzike na Univerzitetu HEMU (Lozana) i Konzervatorijumu Cantonal Music Conservatory of Sion.Takođe je angažovan na Hochmusikschule u Bernu, Lausanne Music Academy – Jazz section, the Conse.rvatoryof Music in Lausanne and Neuchatel,  the AMCV,  the Swiss Youth Music      Competition. Član je žirija mnogih međunarodnih takmičenja harmonike u Rusiji, Francuskoj, Italiji, Meksiku, Litvaniji, Portugalu, Španiji. Nastupao je na značajnim internacionalnim festivalima u Švajcarskoj, uklјučujući Montreux Jazz Festival, Espace 2 Schubertiades, Orient-Occident Encounters at Chateau Mercier in Sierre. Aktivan je član nekoliko ansambala: Tango Sensations, Nuits de Bessarabie, Quin teto del Fuego i  Orient-Occidene’group. Nastupao je sa brojnim solistima: Lionel Chapuis (harmonika), Elmira Darvarova (violina), George Vassilev (gitara), Irina-Kalina Goudeva (kontrabas), Lionel Monnet (klavir), Pavel Vemikov (violina), Brigitte Fournier (sopran), Dagoberto Linhares (gitara), Christophe Fellay (udaraljke),  Popol  Lavanchy (kontrabas), Marcin Habela (bariton), Marcio Carneiro (violončelo)…. Kao solista, sarađivao je sa mnogim orkestrima kao što su: Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Tibor Varga Orchestra, Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Cairo Opera Orchestra, HEMU – Geneva Orchestra, Lausanne Chamber Orchestra, Ensemble Symphonique de Neuchatel. Sarađivao je i sa kompozitorima: Thiiring Brim,  Jean-Luc Darbellay, Ysang Yun,Toshio Osokawa…

STEPHANE CHAPUIS received his Master’s degree with excellence and congratulations of the jury. Between 1983 and 1992 he also won several prizes at international competitions. He currently teaches accordion and chamber music at the HEMU- Lausanne (University of Music) and the Cantonal Music Conservatory of Sion. He is also an expert at the Hochmusikschule in Bern, the Lausanne Music Academy – Jazz section, the Conse.rvatory of Music in Lausanne and Neuchatel, the AMCV, the Swiss Youth Music Competition. He is also a member of the jury at international accordion competitions in Russia, France, Italy, Mexico, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain. He has performed in several international festivals in Switzerland, including the Montreux  Jazz Festival, Espace 2 Schubertiades, Orient-Occident Encounters at Chateau Mercier in Sierre. He is a leading member of several ensembles, including Tango Sensations, Nuits de Bessarabie, Quinteto del Fuego and the Orient-Occidene’group. He has performed with his brother Lionel Chapuis (accordion), Elmira Darvarova (violin), George Vassilev (guitar), Irina-Kalina Goudeva (double bass),Lionel Monnet (piano), Pavel Vemikov (violin), Brigitte Fournier (soprano), Maxime Le Forestier (singer), Dagoberto Linhares (guitar), Christophe Fellay (percussion), Ute Lemper (singer), Popol Lavanchy (double bass), Marcin Habela (baritone), Marcio Carneiro (cello) and others. He has collaborated as a soloist with many orchestras, such as: Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Tibor Varga Orchestra, Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Cairo Opera Orchestra, HEMU – Geneva Orchestra, Lausanne Chamber Orchestra, Ensemble Symphonique de Neuchatel. He has also worked with composers, such as Thiiring Brim, Jean-Luc Darbellay, Ysang Yun, Toshio Osokawa and others.