/Masterclass; Jury – Akordeonart plus 2022, 31.05-3.06.2022/
Стефан Хусонг (Stefan Hussong), рођен у Келербаху (Koellerbach an der Saar, Њемачка) освајач је првих награда на такмичењима International Hugo Herrmann (1983) и International Gaudeamus Interpreters Competition за савремену музику (1987). Године 1999 је освојио Echo Classic Prize of the German Phonoacademy (Њемачка), исте године, његов соло ЦД за Denon, са дјелима Џон Кејџа (John Cage) освојио је награду Best Record Award. Хусонг је премијерно извео више од 150 дјела њему посвећених а које је снимио на 40 ЦД-ова, од којих су неки освојили и награде.
Стефан Хусонг концертира широм Европе, САД-а, Јужне Америке, Русије и скоро у цијелој Азији
Појављује се на фестивалима: Salzburg Festival, Beethoven-Haus Bonn, Ultraschall Berlin, Suntory Festival Tokyo, Leipzig New Music, Munich Biennale, Triennale Cologne, Brussels, Wien-Modern, Moscow Bajanfestival, Warszaw-Autumn, Rheingau, Archipel Geneva, Festival Nancy, France, Takefu and Akiyoshidai in Japan и “Meet the Moderns” у Сан Франциско.
Као солиста, сарађује са оркестрима: the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Berliner Phil. Orchestra, Vienna Philharmonic, Ensemble Intercontemporain, Ensemble Modern, Klangforum Wien, Seoul Philharmonic, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Rundfunk Symphonieorchester Saarbrücken, the Tokyo Harmonia Chamber Orchestra, Tokyo Sinfonietta, Tokyo Shin Nippon Philharmonic Orchestra.
Такође, сарађује са композиторима: S. Gubaidulina, K. Harada, A. Hölszky, H. Lee, D. Eagle, N.A. Huber, E. Mendoza, T. Ichiyanagi, T. Hosokawa, U. Rojko and N.A. Huber и других који су му посветили више од 150 композиција. Хусонг је снимао за Denon, EMI, Wergo, Thorofon, Mode-records, Col Legno, Koch-Schwann, Ars Musici ranging композиције од барокне епохе до савременог стваралаштва. Стефан Хусонг је студирао код Eugen Tschanun, Hugo Noth, Joseph Macerollo и Mayumi Miyata на Универзитетима Тросинген, Торонто и Токио (Universities of Trossingen, Toronto, Tokyo – Geijutsu Daigaku). Био је стипендиста D.A.A.D. Foundation, the “German Scholarship Foundation, Academy Solitude Stuttgart и Art Foundation of Baden-Württemberg.
Године 1989 је био гостујући професор у Хелсинкију (Sibelius Academy in Helsinki). Данас је професор хармонике и камерне музике на Универзитету Вирцбург (Würzburg University of Music).
Stefan Hussong, born in Koellerbach an der Saar, Germany, is First Prize winner of the 1983 International Hugo Herrmann and the 1987 International Gaudeamus Interpreters Competition for contemporary music. In 1999, he was awarded the Echo Classic Prize of the German Phonoacademy in the category Best Performer. That same year his Solo-CD for Denon with works by John Cage won the Best Record Award of the year. Hussong has premiered more than 150 works dedicated to him and he has recorded more than 40 CDs, some of which have won several prizes.
Stefan Hussong has appeared in concerts throughout Europe, United States, South-America, Russia and almost all of Asia. He has appeared at festivals such as the Salzburg Festival, the Beethoven-Haus Bonn, Ultraschall Berlin, Suntory Festival Tokyo, Leipzig New Music, Munich Biennale, Triennale Cologne, Brussels, Wien-Modern, Moscow Bajanfestival, Warszaw-Autumn, Rheingau, Archipel Geneva, Festival Nancy, France, Takefu and Akiyoshidai in Japan and “Meet the Moderns” in San Francisco.
As a soloist, he has appeared with, among others, the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Berliner Phil. Orchestra, Vienna Philharmonic, Ensemble Intercontemporain, Ensemble Modern, Klangforum Wien, Seoul Philharmonic, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Rundfunk Symphonieorchester Saarbrücken, the Tokyo Harmonia Chamber Orchestra, Tokyo Sinfonietta, and Tokyo Shin Nippon Philharmonic Orchestra.
He has closely collaborated with composers such as S. Gubaidulina, K. Harada, A. Hölszky, H. Lee, D. Eagle, N.A. Huber, E. Mendoza, T. Ichiyanagi, T. Hosokawa, U. Rojko and N.A.. Huber etc. who have dedicated more than 150 works to him.
Mr. Hussong has recorded for Denon, EMI, Wergo, Thorofon, Mode-records, Col Legno, Koch-Schwann, Ars Musici ranging from the Baroque to the contemporary works.
Stefan Hussong studied with Eugen Tschanun, Hugo Noth, Joseph Macerollo and Mayumi Miyata at the Universities of Trossingen, Toronto and Tokyo (Geijutsu Daigaku). He is a recipient of scholarships from the D.A.A.D. Foundation, the “German Scholarship Foundation”, Academy Solitude Stuttgart and the Art Foundation of Baden-Württemberg.
In 1989 he served as visiting professor at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. Today he is a professor for accordion and chamber music at the Würzburg University of Music.