Slađana Dedić (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Sladjana Dedić rodjena je 1978. godine u Tuzli gdje je započela u klasi prof. Planinke Atić Jurišić i završila srednju muzičku školu odsjek klavir u klasi profesora Zlatana Mujkića za 3 školske godine sa prosjekom 5.0. Potom nastavlja studij klavira na Muzičkoj akademiji u Sarajevu u klasi profesorice Svetlane Chlaidze i završava kao jedan od najboljih studenata sa prosjekom cijelog studija 9.5 i prosječnom ocjenom iz klavira 10. Dobija mnogobrojne stipendije kao dobar student, a Neke od njih su: za najbolju studenticu Sarajevskog kantona od vlade Japana zatim od Ministarstva obrazovanja Tuzlanskog katona, Obrazovanje gradi BiH, Bosanska Riječ, itd. Cijelo školovanje pohađa nastavu kamerene muzike kod profesora Yevgeny Xaviereff  gdje takodje ostvaruje najbolje rezultate. Kontinuirano pohađa seminare kod uglednih klavirskih pedagoga: Mila Lacković, Bočkarjov, Stanetti, Vladimir Milošević, Aleksandar Serdar, Jokut Mihailović i mnogi drugi. Trenutno pohađa doktorske studije na Akademiji umjetnosti u Novom Sadu u klasi profesorice Rite Kinke.
Takmičenja i nastupi: Odmah nakon rata svirala je na Međunarodnom takmičenju u Mariboru u jakoj konkurenciji (studenti Listove akademije iz Budimpešte zatim studenti CMS Moskva) gdje je osvojila treću nagradu. Participira i na čuveni konkurs “Jan Paderewski ” u Poljskoj gdje dolazi do polufinala. Još u srednjoj školi, u sklopu projekta škole, sa još nekoliko kolega svira na turneji kroz holandske gradove koja je trajala 23 dana, gdje je svirala vrlo zahtjevan program. Ubrzo nakon toga svira i koncert E. Griega sa Sarajevskom Filharmonijom u čast 40 godina Srednje muzičke škole. Za nagradu je dobila i pijanino koji do tada nije ni imala kao i pismo preporuke profesora Majkla Dejvidsona sa Roterdamskog konzervatorija. Nakon toga svira i koncert E. Griega sa Sarajevskom Filharmonijom u čast 40 godina Srednje muzičke škole. Tokom profesorske karijere na takmičenjima u organizaciji klavirskih pedagoga BiH osvaja prve i specijalne nagrade za svoj pedagoški rad.
Karijera: Zapošljava se u Osnovnoj muzičkoj školi u Tuzli gdje vrlo brzo postaje rukovodilac odsjeka, a potom i direktor na mandat od 4 godine. Trenutno je stalni zaposlenik Srednje muzičke škole “Čestimir Mirko Dušek “u Tuzli i honorarno profesor klavira u Osnovnoj muzičkoj školi Tuzla. Član žirija na većini ovih takmičenja svake godine i za solo i za klavirski duo pa tako i 4 puta do sada dobija nagradu za najboljeg klavirskog pedagoga u svojoj zemlji a onda i na takmičenju u Smederevu. Kao profesor ostvaruje veoma značajne rezultate. Njeni učenici od najmlađe dobi pa i kao studenti osvajaju veliki broj nagrada na državnom i međunarodnom nivou. Kao direktor je otvorila nove odsjeke kao što su: balet, solo pjevanje i uvela saksofon i kamerni orkestar koji do tada nisu postojali u školi. Čak i u vrijeme mandata direktora, radi sa djacima, a na kraju mandata biva ocjenjena sa najvišom ocjenom uspješnosti.
Saradnje: Tokom školovanja sarađivala je sa mnogobrojnim pijanistima i profesorima , a neki od njih su Rudolf Kerer, Nevena Popović, Jakša Zlatar, Alan Lafre, Lidija Zardon i mnogi drugi. Pored izdvojenih koncerata sa profesionalnim muzičarima, gdje izvodi respektabilan repertoar, tu je i dugogodišnja saradnja sa solo pjevačima gdje je između ostalih stalni korepetitor sopranistici Dženani Huseinagić.


Sladjana Dedić was born in 1978 in Tuzla, where she started in the class of prof. Planinke Atić Jurišić and graduated from the music high school piano department in the class of professor Zlatan Mujkić for 3 school years with an average of 5.0. He then continued his piano studies at the Music Academy in Sarajevo in the class of Professor Svetlana Chlaidza and finished as one of the best students with a grade point average of 9.5 and an average piano grade of 10. He received numerous scholarships as a good student. Canton from the Government of Japan, then from the Ministry of Education of Tuzla Canton, Education Builds BiH, Bosanska Riječ, etc. Throughout his schooling, he attended chamber music classes with Professor Yevgeny Xaviereff, where he also achieved the best results. He continuously attends seminars with renowned piano pedagogues: Mila Lacković, Bočkarjov, Stanetti, Vladimir Milošević, Aleksandar Serdar, Jokut Mihailović and many others. He is currently attending doctoral studies at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad in the class of Professor Rita Kinka. Competitions and performances: Immediately after the war, she played at the International Competition in Maribor in strong competition (students of the List Academy from Budapest, then students of CMS Moscow), where she won the third prize. Sladjana Dedic also participates in the famous competition „Jan Paderewski“ in Poland, where she reaches the semifinals. Back in high school, as part of a school project, she played with several other colleagues on a tour of Dutch cities that lasted 23 days, where a very demanding program as played. Shortly afterwards, she performed a concert by E. Grieg with the Sarajevo Philharmonic in honor of the 40th anniversary of the High School of Music. She also received a piano for the award, which she did not have until then, as well as a letter of recommendation from Professor Michael Davidson from the Rotterdam Conservatory. After that, she played a concert by E. Grieg with the Sarajevo Philharmonic in honor of the 40th anniversary of the High School of Music. During her teaching career she was winning first and special awards for her pedagogical work at competitions organized by piano pedagogues in BiH.
Career: She was employed at the Elementary Music School in Tuzla, where she quickly became the head of the department, and then the director for a term of 4 years. Currently she is permanent employee of the High Music School „Čestimir Mirko Dušek“ in Tuzla and a part-time piano teacher at the Elementary Music School Tuzla. A member of the jury at most of these competitions every year for both solo and piano duo, so 4 times so far she received the award for the best piano pedagogue in his country and then at the competition in Smederevo. As a professor, she achieves very significant results. Her students from a young age, even as students, have won a large number of awards at the national and international level. As director, she opened new departments such as ballet, solo singing and introduced the saxophone and chamber orchestra, which had not existed in the school until then. Even during the term of the principal, she works with students, and at the end of the term she is been evaluated with the highest grade of success.
Cooperation: During her schooling, she collaborated with many pianists and professors, and some of them are Rudolf Kerer, Nevena Popović, Jakša Zlatar, Alan Lafre, Lidija Zardon and many others. In addition to separate concerts with professional musicians, where he performs a respectable repertoire, there is also a long-term collaboration with solo singers, where, among others, she is a constant accompanist to soprano Dženana Huseinagić.