Marko STOJANOVIĆ, rođen je u Smederevu, gde uz mentorstvo nastavnika Milana Ilića započinje svoje muzičko obrazovanje. U svojoj devetoj godini upisuje prvi razred u muzičkoj školi „Vatroslav Lisinski“ u Beogradu, kasnije se prebacuje u muzičku školu „Kosta Manojlović“ u Smederevu kod nastavnika Milana Ilića i Milana Erakovića. U toku osnovnog muzičkog školovanja nastupio je na mnogim takmičenjima na kojima je osvajao prve i druge nagrade. Srednju muzičku školu upisuje u Smederevu u klasi profesora Milomira Dojčinovića. Osnovne studije harmonike upisuje 2006. godine na Filološko – umetničkom fakultetu u Kragujevcu u klasi prof. mr. Vojina Vasovića, koje završava u regularnom roku sa prosečnom ocenom 10 iz glavnog predmeta. Nakon završenih osnovnih studija upisuje master studije, takođe u Kragujevcu u klasi istog profesora, koje završava ocenom 10 iz glavnog predmeta. Odmah po završetku master studija počinje da radi u osnovnoj i srednjoj muzičkoj školi „Josif Marinković“ u Vršcu. U toku školovanja nastupio je na mnogim domaćim i svetskim takmičenjima od kojih se izdvajaju:

  • mјesto na izboru za Svјetski trofej, kategorija junior, Smederevo, Srbija 2005.
  • mјesto na Svјetskom trofeju, kategorija junior, Francuska 2005.
  • mјesto na Svјetskom trofeju, kategorija senior, Kragujevac, Srbija 2006.
  • mјesto na Svјetskom kupu, kategorija junior, Norveška 2006.
  • mјesto na izboru za Svјetski trofej, kategorija senior, Smederevo, Srbija 2007.
  • mјesto na Svјetskom trofeju, kategorija senior, Rusija, 2007.
  • mјesto na Svјetskom takmičenju akordeonista, kategorija senior, Kina 2008.
  • mјesto na Internacionalnom festivalu „Akordeon Art“, kategorija senior, Istočno Sarajevo, BiH 2010.

Pohađao je ljetnje škole i seminare kod eminentnih profesora kao što su Anatolij Kusjakov, Jurij Šiškin, Mika Vairinen, Ivan Koval, Tatjana Lukić, Radomir Tomić, Vojin Vasović, Vladimir Murza i Vjačeslav Semjonov. Aktivno svira i klavir, koji studira na Muzičkoj akademiji u Sarajevu u klasi mr Dragana Opančića. Prethodnih godina nastupao je u Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini. Premijerno je izvodio djela na klaviru i harmonici (D. Kosorić – Bajke novih vremena, Balkan Tango, D. Đukić – Balkanska igra, A. Bolukbasi – Metrikod), nastupao kao solista, solista sa orkestrom i član kamernih ansambala. Pohađao je masterklasove kod Jokut Mihailović, Masima Gona, Rubena Dalibaltajana i Borisa Kralјevića. Takođe, aktivno je učestvovao na muzičkoj radionici kod dirigenta Gregorija Šareta tokom festivala SONEMUS u Sarajevu, gdje je radio na interpretaciji muzike dvadesetog vijeka. 2006. godine dobija počasnu plaketu grada Smedereva za ostvarene rezultate na takmičenjima, a 2010. godine biva svrstan u Enciklopediju značajnih građana Smedereva. Od 2012. godine učestvuje na internacionalnoj manifestaciji „Dani harmonike“ u Smederevu kao član organizacionog odbora i stručnog žirija, a od 2014. godine takođe učestvuje na internacionalnom festivalu „Akordeon Art“ kao član organizacionog odbora i stručnog žirija. Od 2014. godine radi na Muzičkoj akademiji Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu, trenutno je u zvanju višeg asistenta.
Marko STOJANOVIC was born in Smederevo, Serbia, where under the mentorship of teacher Milan Ilić his music education began. At the age of nine he enrolled in the first grade of „Vatroslav Lisinski“ Music School in Belgrade, then later switched to „Kosta Manojlović“ Music School in Smederevo, to teachers Milan Ilić and Milan Eraković. During the elementary music education, he performed at numerous contests where he won first and second prizes. He enrolled at the Music High School in Smederevo in the class of professor Milomir Dojcinović. In 2006 he entered the basic studies of accordion at the Faculty of Phylology and Arts in Kragujevac, in the class of professor magister Vojin Vasović, where he graduated on time with honours, with the average mark of excellent 10 in the main subject. Following the basic studies graduation, he enrolled in the master studies in Kragujevac as well, in the class of the same professor and graduated with the mark of excellent 10 in the main subject. Immediately after the completion of master studies, he began working at the „Josif Marinković“ Elementary and High Music School in Vršac. During his education he performed at many domestic and world class competitions, of which the following are distinguished:
– 1st place won at the Accordion World Trophy Candidates Tournament, Junior category, Smederevo, Serbia, 2005,
– 2nd place won at the Accordion World Trophy, Junior category, France, 2005,
– 3rd place won at the Accordion World Trophy, Senior category, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2006,
– 5th place won at the Accordion World Cup, Junior category, Norway, 2006,
– 1st place won at the Accordion World Trophy Candidates Tournament, Senior category, Smederevo, Serbia, 2007,
– 3rd place won at the Accordion World Trophy, Senior category, Russia, 2007,
– 4th place won at the World Accordionists Championship, Senior category, China, 2008,
em>- 1st place won at the „Akordeon Art“ International Festival, Senior category, East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010. He attended summer schools and seminars held by eminent professors such as Anatoli Kusyakov, Yuri Shishkin, Mika Vairinen, Ivan Koval, Tatjana Lukić, Radomir Tomić, Vojin Vasović, Vladimir Murza and Viacheslav Semionov. He actively plays a piano as well, which he studies at Sarajevo Music Academy in the class of magister Dragan Opančić. In the past years he performed in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. He premiered pieces for piano and accordion (D. Kosorić – Fairy tales of new times, Balkan Tango, D. Đukić – Balkan game, A. Bolukbasi – Metricode), performed as a soloist, soloist with orchestra and as a member of chamber ensembles. He attended masterclasses by Jokut Mihailović, Massimo Gon, Ruben Dalibaltayan and Boris Kraljević. He also actively participated the music workshop held by conductor Gregory Charette during the SONEMUS Festival held in Sarajevo, where he worked on interpretation of the 20th century music. In 2006 he was awarded the Honorary Plaque of the City of Smederevo, for the results achieved in competitions and in 2010 he was listed in the Encyclopedia of Significant Citizens of Smederevo. Since 2012 he has been participating in the „Days of Accordion“ International Manifestation in Smederevo as a member of both the organizing board and the expert jury and as of 2014 has been participating „Akordeon Art“ International Festival as a member of both the organizing board and the expert jury as well. He has been working at the Academy of Music of the University of East Sarajevo since 2014, currently holding the title of a Senior Assistant.