Josif PURIC, jedan od najznačajnijih predstavnika mlađe generacije bajanista, laureat je više od trideset međunarodnih takmičenja. Nastupao je na najprestižnijim koncertnim scenama svijeta, a osnivač je i aktivni učesnik različitih ansambala. Rođen je u porodici muzičara, a harmoniku je počeo da svira u najranijem djetinjstvu. Njegov otac, takođe poznati izvođač, profesor i metodičar Josif Grigorjevič Puric bio mu je prvi nastavnik harmonike. Nakon smrti oca nastavnik mu postaje majka Natalija Vasiljevna Puric. Od 2004. do 2008. godine pohađao je Muzički koledž pri MDIM „Šnitke“ (Moskovski državni institut za muziku „Šnitke“), u klasi profesora Andreja Ivanoviča Ledenjova. Diplomirao je na Ruskoj akademiji za muziku „Gnjesini“, u klasi profesora Fridriha Robertoviča Lipsa. Josif je, 2013. godine, dobio stipendiju ujedinjenog komiteta Kraljevskih muzičkih škola (ABRSM) u Londonu i, 2014. godine, nastavio usavršavanje na Kraljevskoj akademiji za muziku, u klasi profesora Ovena Mareja. Kada je imao osam godina, Josif je dobio svoje prvo laureatsko zvanje na Međunarodnom takmičenju „Klasika nova“ u Njemačkoj. Od tada je počeo da aktivno gradi svoju umjetničku karijeru, pobjeđujući na međunarodnim takmičenjima, učestvujući na različitim festivalima i svirajući koncerte u Rusiji i drugm zemljama. Bio je prvi predstavnik Rusije koji je pobijedio na Međunarodnom takmičenju u Klingentalu, u kategoriji do 12 godina. Više puta je nastupao na Međunarodnom festivalu „Bajan i bajanisti“ u Moskvi. Pobjednik je sljedećih takmičenja: Međunarodno takmičenje akordeonista (Kastelfidardo, Italija, 2009. god.), Međunarodno takmičenje „Svjetski trofej“ (Spokejn, SAD, 2012. god.), Međunarodno takmičenje akordeonista „Arrasate Hiria“ (Arasate, Španija, 2011. god.), Međunarodno takmičenje akordeonista u Klingentalu (Njemačka, 2013. god.), Prvo Sverusko muzičko takmičenje (Moskva, 2013. god.). Tokom 2014. i 2015. godine Josif je postao laureat dva takmičenja: Karl Jenkins Classical Music Award (London, 2014. god.) i Hattori Foundation Senior Awards (London, 2015. god.), gdje se takmičio sa izvođačima na drugim klasičnim instrumentima. Odabran je da 2016. godine nastupi u jednoj od najprestižnijih koncertnih dvorana u Londonu St. John Smith Square u okviru serije koncerata mladih muzičara Park Lane Group. Imao je koncertne turneje u: SAD-u, Velikoj Britaniji, Kanadi, Austriji, Švedskoj, Finskoj, Njemačkoj, Češkoj, Kini, Francuskoj, Španiji, Srbiji, Danskoj i drugim zemljama. Nastupao je u Velikoj Sali Moskovskog konzervatorijuma, Koncertnoj sali Čajkovskog (Moskva), Carnegie hall (Njujork), Wigmore hall (London), George Weston Recital Hall (Toronto), Nybrokajen Concert Hall (Stokholm), National House of Vinohrady (Prag), Concert Hall of Central Conservatory of Music (Peking), Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (Kopenhagen), UNESCO (Pariz), Sala Državne kapele (Sankt Peterburg).
Iosif PURITS is one of the best-known accordionists of his generation and has recently become the first ever BBC Introducing Classical artist. He has travelled around the world performing at some of the most prestigious concert venues including Carnegie Hall, Wigmore Hall, The Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory, George Weston Recital Hall (Toronto, Canada) and UNESCO (Paris, France).
Iosif Purits was born into a family of well-known accordionists in Moscow. At the age of 8, he entered the International competition «Classica Nova» in Germany where he became a prize-winner. This experience started him on an intensive musical life with annual successes at international competitions, concerts and festivals. Iosif was the first Russian child to win the under 12 age category at the Klingenthal International Competition in Germany. He has been awarded scholarships from a number of international foundations and his appearances at the festivals include Cheltenham Music Festival, Norfolk & Norwich Festival, American Fine Arts Festival, Copenhagen Summer Festival, Festival Mitte Europa, Latitude Festival, Spitalfields Music Festival, Erevan National Museum Festival, Beijing International Accordion Festival, International Bayan Festival in Moscow.
Iosif is a prize-winner of more than 30 International competitions, including the Competition of Accordionists in Сastelfidardo (Italy 2009, 1st prize), Arrasate Hiria (Spain 2011, 1st prize), Trophee Mondial (USA 2012, 1st prize), Accoholiday (Kiev 2012, Gran-Prix), Competition of Accordionists in Klingenthal (Germany, 2013, 1st prize). He has also been awarded a prestigious ABRSM International Postgraduate Award for his masters degree at the Royal Academy of Music. He won the Hattori Foundation Senior Award and the Royal Academy of Music Patrons’ Award. Duo Bayanello, formed with the cellist Cecilia Bignall has been selected for the Park Lane Group Young Artists Concert Series which resulted in performances at St. John Smith Square and St. James Piccadilly. Iosif is generously supported by the Drake Calleja Trust and Future of Russia Foundation.
After five years studying with professor Friedrich Lips at the Gnesins Academy of Music where he graduated with distinction, in 2014 he transferred to London to study under professor Owen Murray. His extensive repertoire ranges from Russian to Japanese works and from classical to contemporary music. As well as solo-performance he is an enthusiastic collaborator with different multi-instrumental ensembles, chamber and symphonic orchestras.
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Početna Josif PURIC, Rusija