Irina KRJUTJKOVA, Štokholm, Švedski predavač Centralne Kulturne škole u Vasterasu, (Sweden Senior teacher of the Central Cultural School of Västerås, Švedska. Predsednik Youth Musical Association (RUM), član Swedish Accordion Association (SDR). Laureat internacionalnih takmičenja u Rusiji i Švedskoj. Umjetnički direktor nekoliko internacionalnih projekata na polјu kulture. Sa devet godina počela je svoje muzičko obrazovanje u Music School of Sviridov na smjeru za harmoniku. Diplomirala sa zaslugama na muzičkom koledžu Konzervatorijuma Rimski-Korsakov. Nekoliko puta je dobitnik priznanja od strane guvernera St. Peterburga. Od 2000. godine dobija švedsko državlјanstvo. Završila je postdiplomske studije i stekla diplomu soliste na Kralјevskoj muzičkoj akademiji u Štokholmu. Laureat je prestižnih švedskih muzičkih takmičenja za mlade muzičare (Soloist Prize, Jungrenska Competition), gdje takmičari nastupaju u istoj grupi različitih instrumenata. Godine 2002. svirala je na prezentaciji Polar Music Prize Sofije Gubaiduline. Bila je stipendista u Švedskoj (A. Walter, Hans-Erik Naas, Hagstroms Priset, Kungliga Musikaliska Akademin). Nastupala je sa različitim simfonijskim orkestrima i limenim sastavima, među kojima su Simfonijski orkestar Kralјevske Muzičke akademije, Orkestar Kralјevske filharmonije i Marine Music sastav. Blisko je sarađivala sa savremenim kompozitorima (Olov Olofsson, Olov Lindgren, Krystina Petterson). Rezultat takve saradnje jesu mnoga premijerna izvođenja: 2 koncerta za harmoniku i simfonijski orkestar i za limeni duvački sastav, solo i duo harmonika. Do 2015. godine nastupala je širom Skandinavije, Evrope, Amerike i Rusije. Nakon 2015. više je posvećena pedagoškom radu, učestvovanju u stručnim žirijima i vođenju kulturnih projekata. Irina je radila na Švedskom sistemu obrazovanja i učenja sviranja harmonike. Među njenim studentima se nalaze laureati internacionalnih takmičenja u Štokholmu, Pragu, Tenerifima, Italiji i Bosni i Hercegovini.
Irina KRJUTJKOVA, Stockholm, Sweden Senior teacher of the Central Cultural School of Västerås Sweden. President of the Youth Musical Association (RUM), member of the Swedish Accordion Association (SDR). Laureate of international and Russian and Swedish national competitions. Artistic director of several international projects in the field of culture. At the age of 9, she began her studies at the Music School of Sviridov in accordion class. Graduated with honors from the music college and the Conservatory of Rimsky-Korsakov. Repeatedly received a grant from the governor of St. Petersburg. Since 2000 she is a Swedish citizen. Graduated postgraduate studies and Soloist Diploma at the Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm. Laureate of prestigious Swedish music competitions for young musicians (Soloist Prize and Jungrenska Competition), where the participants perform in the same group on different instruments. The accordion competes with piano, vocals, wind and string instruments. In 2002 she played at the presentation of the Polar Music Prize by Sofia Gubaidulina. She is a holder of high scholarships and grants in Sweden (A. Walter, Hans-Erik Nääs, Hagströms priset, Kungliga Musikaliska Akademin). She played with several symphonic and brass bands, among them Royal Music Academy Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and Marine Music band. She has been working closely with contemporary composers (Olov Olofsson, Olov Lindgren, Krystina Petterson). The result of the collaborations was the first performance of many works: 2 concerts for an accordion with a symphony orchestra and brass band, solo and duo accordions. Until 2015 she performed all over Scandinavia, Europe, America and Russia. After 2015 she has done more of teaching work, jury work & being a leader of cultural projects. Irina has been working on the Swedish system of learning to play the accordion. Among her students there are laureates of international competitions in Stockholm, Prague, Tenerife, Italy, Bosnien & Herzegovina.