HANZHI WANG, harmonika (Kina)


Hanzhi WANG, hvalјena za nastupe koji su tehnički i muzički izuzetni, kao i za zanosnu scensku pojavu, revolucionarna mlada muzičarka Hanzhi Wang  je prva akordeonistkinja koja je dobila mjesto na spisku Mladih Koncertnih Umetnika u 58 godina dugoj istoriji, a njen jednosatni intervju i nastup u 2145. epizodi New York WQXR’s Young Artists Showcase emisije jeste prvo pojavlјivanje solo akordeoniste na jednom takvom programu. U 2018. godini, Musical America je proglasila Hanzhi Wang „Novim umjetnikom mjeseca“, i izdavačka kuća Naxos je izdala prvi kompakt disk solo harmonike ikada pod nazivom „On the Path to H. C. Andersen”. Na njemu su se našle kompozicije danskih kompozitora poput Martina Lohzea (Martin Lohse), koji je za Hanzhi Wang napisao kompoziciju „The Little Match Girl”; takođe, ovaj album je nominovan za prestižnu nagradu DR (Danski Radio) P2 2019. godine. Nastup Hanzhi Wang otvorio je Sezonu Mladih Koncertnih Umetnika u New Yorku u Carnegie Hall, takođe njen koncert u Vašingtonu DC otvorio je 40. godišnjicu Sezone Mladih Koncertnih Umetnika (40th Anniversary Young Concert Artists Series ) u Kennedy Center. Hanzhi Wang je dobitnica sledećih priznanja – YCA performance prizes with the Candlelight Concert Society in Columbia, MD; the Sinfonia Gulf Coast in Destin, FL; the Tri-I Noon Recitals at Rockefeller University in New York City; the Vancouver Recital Society; Tannery Pond Concerts (NY), the Usedom (Germany) Festival; the Chamber Orchestra of the Triangle (NC); the University of Florida Performing Arts Prize; the Krannert Center at the University of Illinois, Urbana. Dodatni angažmani uklјučuju pojavlјivanja sa IRIS Orchestra u Tenesiju , na Bravo! Vail Music festivalu i YCA alumnus Alexander Fiterstein’s Clarinet Academy u Mineapolisu. Hanzhi Wang je osvojila prvu nagradu na 40. Internacionalnom takmičenju akordeonista u Kastelfidardu (40th Castelfidardo International Accordion Competition u Italiji, bila član stručnog žirija na Akordeonistkičkom takmičenju u Rimu (Accordion Competition of Rome) i Internacionalnom festivalu harmonike u Portugalu (Portugal’s International Accordion Festival) nadahnuvši mlade generacije akordeonista časovima, nastupima i masterklasovima na Manhattan School of Music, Royal Danish Academy of Music, Tianjin Music Conservatory, Beijing’s Capital Normal University, Tilburg and Ghent Music Conservatories (Belgium) i 2018 Nordaccordion Festival u Norveškoj.
Hanzhi WANG, Praised for her captivating stage presence and performances that are technically and musically masterful, the groundbreaking young musician Hanzhi Wang is the first accordionist to win a place on the roster of Young Concert Artists in its 58-year history, and her hour-long interview and performance on the 2,145th episode of New York WQXR’s Young Artists Showcase marked the first appearance of a solo accordionist on the program. In 2018, Musical America named Hanzhi Wang “New Artist of the Month,” and Naxos released its first-ever solo accordion CD, Ms. Wang’s “On the Path to H.C. Andersen.” It features music by Danish composers including “The Little Match Girl,” written for her by Martin Lohse, and was nominated for the prestigious DR (Danish Radio) P2 Prize 2019.  Ms. Wang’s debut opened the Young Concert Artists Series in New York in The Peter Marino Concert at Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall, and her Washington, DC debut opened the 40th Anniversary Young Concert Artists Series at the Kennedy Center, co-presented with Washington Performing Arts. Ms. Wang was awarded YCA performance prizes with the Candlelight Concert Society in Columbia, MD; the Sinfonia Gulf Coast in Destin, FL; the Tri-I Noon Recitals at Rockefeller University in New York City; the Vancouver Recital Society; Tannery Pond Concerts (NY), the Usedom (Germany) Festival; the Chamber Orchestra of the Triangle (NC); the University of Florida Performing Arts Prize; and at the Krannert Center at the University of Illinois in Urbana. Additional engagements include appearances for IRIS Orchestra in Tennessee, Bravo! Vail Music Festival, and YCA alumnus Alexander Fiterstein’s Clarinet Academy in Minneapolis. Ms. Wang won First Prize in the 40th Castelfidardo International Accordion Competition in Italy, has served on the jury for the Accordion Competition of Rome and Portugal’s International Accordion Festival, and inspired the next generation of accordionists with lectures, performances and master classes at the Manhattan School of Music, Royal Danish Academy of Music, Tianjin Music Conservatory, Beijing’s Capital Normal University, Tilburg and Ghent Music Conservatories (Belgium), and the inaugural 2018 Nordaccordion Festival in Norway.