Belma ŠARANČIĆ NAHODOVIĆ (1984) je profesor iz oblasti harmonika na Muzičkoj akademiji Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Završila je studije na Muzičkoj akademiji Univerziteta u Sarajevu (teoretsko pedagoški smijer) i Muzičkoj akademiji u Istočnom Sarajevu (diplmirala u klasi prof. Danijele Gazdić i magistrirala u klasi prof.Radomira Tomića iz oblasti harmonika – koncertni izvođač). Specijalističke studije je završila u klasi prof.Claudia Jaccomucija na Scuola Superiore di fisarmonica u Urbinu, Italija a doktorirala je na Muzičkoj akademiji Univerziteta u Sarajevu u klasi prof. Geir Draugsvolla. Učestvovala je i pobjeđivala na mnogobrojnim takmičenjima u Bosni i Hercegovini i inostranstvu. Od 2005. bila je član žirija na preko 20 takmičenja (Federalna takmičenja BiH, Akordeon Art (I.Sarajevo), Susreti harmonikaša (Pula), Eufonija (Novi Sad). Snimala je za domaće televizijske stanice i produkcijske kuće kao i muziku za filmove. Nastupala je sa nekoliko orkestara, između ostalog sa kamernim orkestrom Muzičke akademije u Sarajevu i sa Sarajevskom filharmonijom. Uspješnu suradnju uspostavlja i sa BH kompozitorima čija djela premijerno izvodi na koncertima i festivalima. Među njima se izdvaja koncert za harmoniku i gudački orkestar Ivana Čavlovića „Za Belmu Š.-N.“ (2017). Bila je aktivna učesnica na EPARM (European Platform for artistic research in Music) konferencijama  (2014- Štokholm i 2015 – Grac) gdje je izlagala svoja doktorska istraživanja, kao i ICON (Innovative Conservatoire research) seminara u Londonu u organizaciji AEC-a. Po pozivu gostuje je kao predavač na muzičkim akademijama univerziteta u Vilniusu (Litvanija), Kopenhagenu (Danska), Amsterdamu ( Holandija) i Trstu (Italija), gdje pored masterklasova sa studentima održava i predavanja iz oblasti Aleksander tehnike u akordeonizmu. U pedagoškom radu njeni studenti bilježe mnogobrojne nastupe, kao i preko 60 nagrada na internacionalnim takmičenjima. Od 2017.godine obnaša dužnost prodekana za koncertnu aktivnost Muzičke akademije Univerziteta u Sarajevu.
Belma ŠARANČIĆ  NAHODOVIĆ (1984) is accordion professor at the Music Academy, University of Sarajevo. She completed her studies at the Music Academy, UNSA, (department for music theory and pedagogy) and at the Music Academy in East Sarajevo (graduated accordion in the class of prof. Danijela Gazdić and gained master of arts degree in the class of prof. Radomir Tomić). She finished specialist studies in the class of prof. Claudio Jaccomuci at the Scuola Superiore di fisarmonica in Urbino, Italy, and she received her PhD at the Music Academy, UNSA in the class of prof. Geir Draugsvoll. She participated and won many competitions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. Since 2005 she was jury member in over 20 competitions (Competition of Federation BH, Akordeon Art (E.Sarajevo), Accordion competition (Pula), Euphonia (Novi Sad). She recorded for Bosnian TV stations and production houses as well as movie music. She performed with a many orchestras, including Chamber Orchestra of the Music Academy in Sarajevo and the Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra. Also, she has established a successful collaboration with BH composers which resulted with many premiered accordion pieces preformed at concerts and festivals, among them the Concert for accordion and string orchestra by Ivan Čavlović „For Belma Š.-N. „(2017). She was an active participant in EPARM (European Platform for Artistic Research in Music) conferences (2014 – Stockholm and 2015 – Graz) where she presented her doctoral research, as well as in the ICON (Innovative Conservatoire Research) seminar in London organized by AEC. Šarančić Nahodović is continuously invited as accordion lecturer at the music academies of the universities of Vilnius (Lithuania), Copenhagen (Denmark), Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and Trieste (Italy), where besides masterclasses with students she also lectures ​​Alexander Technique in Accordionism  In the pedagogical work, her students have numerous performances, as well as over 60 awards from international competitions. Since 2017 she works as a vice-dean for the concert activity of the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo.