Ime i prezime / Name and Surname
Datum rođenja / Date of birth
Razred/Godina studija / Class/Year of Study
Vaš email / Your email
Telefon / Telephone number
Srednja muzička škola/Fakultet, mjesto, država / High School/Faculty, City, Country
Ime i Prezime profesora / Name and surname (Teacher/Professor)
Telefon profesora / Teacher's telephone number
Trajanje / Duration
Google Drive link - skenirane note (nije obavezno)* / Scanned Scores (not obligated)* (opcija Get link - Anyone with the link)
- Na masterklas se mogu prijaviti svi zainteresovani kandidati / All interested candidates can apply for the masterclass. - Broj učesnika masterklasa je ograničen! / The number of master class participants is limited! - Prijava za masterklas - do 24. maja 2024! / Application form for the masterclas - until May 24, 2024! - Aktivno učešće na masterklasu iznosi 50КM; dokaz o izvršenoj uplati potrebno je dostaviti prije pristupanja masterklasu / Active participation on masterclass amounts to 50KM; proof of payment must be submitted before taking participation on masterclass - Plaćanja kotizacije za učešće na masterklasu oslobođeni su učesnici takmičenja i studenti Muzičke akademije UIS / Competition participants and students of the Academy of Music UES are exempt from paying the registration fee for participation in the masterclass - *Na čas masterklasa, obavezno donijeti štampanu verziju programa / *It is obligatory to bring a printed version of the program to the master class. - Pasivni učesnici masterklasa, treba da u rubrici Program upišu PASIVNO UČEŠĆE. / Passive participants of the master class should enter PASSIVE PARTICIPATION in the section Program. - Nakon klika na dugme "Pošalji / Submit" sačekajte oko 1 minut da se izvrši slanje prijave. - U slučaju a ne dobijete poruku o uspješno izvršenoj prijavi u Inbox, pogledajte Vaše foldere Spam ili Junk. - After clicking the "Submit" button, wait about 1 minute for the application to be sent. - In case you do not receive a message about the successful login to the Inbox, check your Spam or Junk folders.