Branko DŽINOVIĆ je izvođač fokusiran na savremeni repertoar za harmoniku. Austrijski kritičari su njegova izvođenja opisali kao “eruptivna” (Kronen Zeitung) i “invetivna” (Neues Volksblatt). Osnovne studije je završio na beogradskom Fakultetu muzičke umetnosti, odjeljenje u Kragujevcu (sadašnji FILUM), u klasi profesora Radomira Tomića, a magistarske studije na Anton Brukner univerzitetu u austrijskom Lincu u klasi profesora Alfreda Melihara. Doktorirao je izvođačke studije harmonike na Univerzitetu u Torontu 2017. godine, gdje je pored brojnih koncertnih aktivnosti, odbranio doktorsku disertaciju sa fokusom na dijaloge izmedju Sofije Gubajduline, jedne od najznačajnijih savremenih kompozitorki današnjice, i priznatih izvodjača na harmonici. Pored brojnih premijernih izvodjenja djela mladih srpskih i kanadskih autora, saradjivao je sa eminentnim kompozitorima kao što su Per Norgard, Salvatore Šarino, Filip Leru i Ana Sokolović. Saradjivao je i sa uglednim kanadskim ansamblima kao što su The Array Ensemble, New Music Concerts, The National Ballet of Canada, ali i Internacionalnim ansamblom za savremenu muziku iz Njujorka (ICE). Nastupao je u Kenedi Centru u Vašingtonu i Linkoln Centru u Njujorku. Kao solista i član različitih ansambala, Džinović je nastupao u Austriji, Nemačkoj, Italiji, Holandiji, Engleskoj, Kanadi, Americi, Australiji, Novom Zelandu i Argentini. Snimao je za Radio Beograd, austrijski ORF i BBC. Gaji interesovanje za bandoneon koji je izučavao u Buenos Airesu.
Branko DZINOVIC is an artist with a strong interest in contemporary repertoire for the accordion. Austrian critics have called him “a dangerously active volcano” (Kronen Zeutung) and described his playing as “ingenious” (Neues Volksblatt). Džinović holds a bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, Kragujevac campus (currently known as FILUM), where he studied with professor Radomir Tomić, and a master’s degree from the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz, where he graduated in the class of professor Alfred Melichar. In 2017, Džinović received his doctoral degree in accordion performance at the University of Toronto, where he examined how Sofia Gubaidulina, one of the greatest living composers, has collaborated with the eminent accordion performers on the creation and performances of her compositions. He has premiered numerous works by young Serbian and Canadian composers. In addition, Džinović has collaborated with such prominent contemporary composers as Per Nørgård, Salvatore Sciarrino, Philippe Leroux, Sofia Gubaidulina, and Ana Sokolović. He has performed with such esteemed Canadian ensembles as The Array Ensemble, New Music Concerts, The National Ballet of Canada, but also The International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE) based in New York. He has performed at the John F. Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts, Washington D.C., and the Lincoln Centre in New York. As a soloist and a member of diverse chamber music ensembles, Džinović has toured in Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, England, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Argentina. He has recorded for Radio Belgrade, the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF), and the BBC. Džinović is also interested in the bandoneón, which he has studied in Buenos Aires.