ZRINKA ANDREJAŠ, Bosna i Hercegovina

Profesor Zrinka Andrejaš je nakon završetka školovanja na tri odsjeka Srednje muzičke škole u Tuzli, sa 17 godina postala student Muzičke akademije u Sarajevu  na odsjeku za klavir u klasi prof.Matusje Blum. Još u toku studija, na kojima je nagrađena diplomom i značkom Univerziteta u Sarajevu, posvetila se obrazovanju mladih u Osnovnoj muzičkoj školi u Tuzli. Pored rada u obrazovanju i medijima značajan doprinos je dala u organizaciji koncerata i kulturno-umjetničkih događaja, te nastupima u okviru HKD Napredak, HKD Mažuranić, kao solista ili orguljaš u crkvama u BiH i Hrvatskoj. U poslijeratnom periodu radila je kao muzički urednik na Tuzlanskoj televiziji a od 1997. godine do danas radi kao profesor klavira u Srednjoj muzičkoj školi  „Čestmir Mirko Dušek“ Tuzla. Kao solista i korepetitor nastupala je na mnogobrojnim koncertima u Bosni i Hercegovini, državama regiona i Evrope. U svih 38 godina profesionalnog muzičkog rada koncertna djelatnost se nalazi uz edukativnu, koja ipak ima prevagu u radu profesorice Andrejaš. Njeni učenici su ostvarili značajne uspjehe na državnim i međunarodnim takmičenjima, gostovanja u drugim državama, nastupe sa orkestrima i solističke nastupe u Bosni i Hercegovini, R Hrvatskoj, R Srbiji, Italiji, Njemačkoj. Nosioci su muzičkih aktivnosti na mnogim manifestacijama u gradu i šire i za taj rad su nagrađeni sa više od 40 diploma i osvojenih nagrada, Laureata, specijalnih nagrada, prvih, drugih i trećih nagrada. Istaknuto mjesto među njima, zauzimaju mladi instrumentalisti, pijanisti koji su svoj život posvetili muzici, tako da danas ti mladi umjetnici rade kao profesori u muzičkim školama širom naše države i dalje. U toku karijere poklanjala je izuzetnu pažnju stručnom usavršavanju, te je prisustvovala na više od dvadeset seminara i majstorskih radionica eminentnih klavirskih pedagoga Evrope. Od strane Pedagoškog zavoda Tuzlanskog kantona je u nekoliko navrata bila angažirana kao trener na seminarima za nastavnike. Profesorica Zrinka Andrejaš je dugogodišnji aktivan član Udruženja muzičkih pedagoga Federacije BiH koji ju je u nekoliko navrata angažirao kao člana žirija na federalnim takmičenjima a više puta je bila i član žirija međunarodnih i državnih pijanističkih takmičenja. Dobitinica je Priznanja Ministarstva obrazovanja, nauke, kulture i sporta Tuzlanskog kantona 2003. godine za rad sa učenicima, a na prijedlog Udruženja muzičkih pedagoga FBiH je za svoje uspjehe u radu sa talentima od Federalnog ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke BiH dobila Priznanje 2014. godine. Autor je i organizator Festivala i koncerata klasične muzike „VEČERI BAROKA“  koji su pod pokroviteljstvom  Vlade kantona i Ministarstva obrazovanja i nauke Tuzlanskog Kantona do sada imali 11 izvedbi. U radu škole profesorica je djelovala kao član Školskog odbora, šef klavirskog aktiva, predavač na konferencijama, član organizacionih odbora takmičenja, koncerata, festivala, te je dva puta izabrana na mjesto direktora Srednje muzičke škole „Čestmir Mirko Dušek“ Tuzla. Dobitinica je Priznanja, Diploma i Zahvalnica za prve nagrade koje je sa svojim đacima osvojila na takmičenjima za discipline klavir solo i kamerna muzika na međunarodnim i federalnim takmičenjima a i kao korepetitor gudačima, puhačima, zboru, korepetitor solo pjevačima. Dobitnik je Priznanja za ostvarene rezultate u odgoju i obrazovanju brojnih generacija učenika, za ispoljenu osobnu kreativnost, za njegovanje umjetničkog dara i otkrivanje učeničkih inovatorskih sposobnosti tokom dugogodišnjeg bavljenja svojim životnim pozivom, koje joj je dodijelilo Ministarstvo obrazovanja i nuke Tuzlanskog kantona.


Professor Zrinka Andrejaš, after finishing her education at three departments of the High School of Music in Tuzla, became a student of the Music Academy in Sarajevo at the age of 17 at the piano department in the class of professor Matusja Blum. During her studies, where she was awarded a diploma and a badge from the University of Sarajevo, she dedicated herself to educating young people at the Elementary Music School in Tuzla. In addition to her work in education and the media, she has made a significant contribution to the organization of concerts and cultural and artistic events, as well as performances within HKD Napredak, HKD Mažuranić, as a soloist or organist in churches in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. In the post-war period, she worked as a music editor at Tuzla Television, and since 1997 she has been working as a piano teacher at the Music High School „Čestmir Mirko Dušek“ Tuzla. As a soloist and accompanist, she has performed at numerous concerts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, countries in the region and Europe. In all 38 years of professional music work, the concert activity is only an addition to the educational one, which still has an advantage in the work of professor Andrejaš. Her students have achieved significant success in national and international competitions, guest appearances in other countries, performances with orchestras, and solo performances in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Italy, and Germany. They are holders of musical activities at many events in the city and beyond, and for that work, they have been awarded more than 40 diplomas and awards, Laureates, special awards, first, second and third prizes. A prominent place among them is occupied by young instrumentalists, pianists who have dedicated their lives to music so that today these young artists work as professors in music schools throughout our country and beyond. During her career, she paid exceptional attention to professional development and attended more than twenty seminars and master workshops of eminent piano pedagogues in Europe. On behalf of the Pedagogical Institute of Tuzla Canton, the professor was hired on several occasions as a coach at seminars for teachers. Professor Zrinka Andrejaš is a long-term active member of the Association of Music Educators of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which hired her as a member of the jury on several occasions at federal competitions and she has been a member of the jury of international and national piano competitions several times. She won the Recognition of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of Tuzla Canton in 2003 for working with students, and at the suggestion of the Association of Music Educators F BiH she received Recognition in 2014 for her success in working with talents from the Federal Ministry of Education and Science. She is also the author and the organizer of the Festival and Concerts of Classical Music „BAROQUE EVENINGS“, which have so far had 11 performances under the auspices of the Cantonal Government and the Ministry of Education and Science. The professor acted as a member of the School Board, head of piano assets, a lecturer at conferences, member of the organizing committees of competitions, concerts, festivals, and was twice elected director of the High School of Music „Čestmir Mirko Dušek“ Tuzla. She won Recognitions, Diplomas, and Certificates of Appreciation for the first prizes she won with her students in competitions for piano solo and chamber music at international and federal competitions, as well as accompanist for strings, winds, choir, accompanist for solo singers. She is the recipient of the Recognition for the achieved results in the upbringing and education of many generations of students, for personal creativity, for nurturing artistic talent, and discovering students’ innovative abilities during many years of her vocation, awarded by the Ministry of Education and Education of Tuzla Canton.