Samuele Telari (Italija / Italy)

…’muzikalnost je tako velika, tako nezadrživa da nadmašuje instrument koji svira’. BBC Radio 3 Record osvrt

Osvajač nagrade na YCAT Internacional Auditions 2019., Samuele je debitovao kao solista sa Haydn Orchestra pod dirigentskom palicom Kenta Nagana. Nastupao je u Wigmore Hall i Schlern Music Festival, i održao je recitale u Saffron Hall, Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpmmern, Verbier, Wimbledon, Cheltenham i Deal festivalima, sarađujući sa Emom Nikolovskom, Pablom Baraganom, Leonkoro, Esme i Simply kvartetima. Takođe, održao je solističku turneju u Kolumbiji. U 2021. Delphian je objavio snimak njegovog izvođenja Bahovih Goldberg varijacija u Queens Hall Edinburgh, koji je dobio pohvale kritičara. Tokom sezone 2022/23 ističu se izvođenja Goldberg varijacija na MITO September Festival u Milanu i Torinu, kao i njegov debitantski nastup sa London Mozart Players.
Održao je recitale na Konzerthaus u Berlinu, Elbphilharmonie u Hamburgu i Concertgebouw u Amsterdamu.
U saradnji sa kompozitorima poput Skjarina i Bedrosiana promoviše modernu muziku. Istražujući novu muziku, tokom proteklih nekoliko godina premijerno je izveo djela Vitorija Montaltija, Simona Kardinija i Fabricija de Rosi Re. Nastupao je širom Evrope i u Ujedinjenom kraljevstvu u Snape Maltings koncertnoj dvorani (Aldeburg), The Societa dei Concerti (Milano), Amici della Musica di Firenze, Cite de la Danse et la Musique u Strazburu, Festival Nuova Consonanza u Rimu, Amici della Musica u Padovi i Berlinskoj filharmoniji.
Kao solista nastupao je sa Orkestrom državnog ermitaža u Sankt Peterburgu, I Virtuoso Italiani i Quartetto Fone, i redovno učestvuje na BBC Radio 3, Rai RadioTre, Radio Classica i Radio Popolare Milano. Sarađivao je sa pozorišnim umjetnicima Lisa Ferlaco Natoli, Valerio Masimo Manfredi i Đorđo Panarielo.
2017. snimio je svoj prvi solistički kompakt disk LIMES, a 2020. duo CD za harmoniku i klarinet BROKEN SHAKE.
Rođen u Spoletu (Italija), Samuele je profesor harmonike na Konzervatorijumu Domenico Cimarosa u Avelinu. Osvojio je prve nagrade na takmičenjima Arassate-Hiria 2018. u Španiji i Castelfidardo 2013. u Italiji.

„Pored Nagana, dolazak violončeliste Mišela Marka Rosija i akordeoniste Samuelea Telarija…umnogome je doprinijelo osjećaju ičšekivanja. Sa preciznošću, inspiracijom i posebnim razumijevanjem…dvojica izvođača su uokvirila Sedam riječi velikog ruskog kompozitora.“
Il Giornale della Musica / Haydn Orchestra, dirigent Kent Nagano / Februar 2022

„Cijeli snimak je tako radostan…jasnoća kontrapunkta je zaista izuzetna…način na koji Telari vodi glasove, kao lekcija pjevanja. Ne možemo se ne smiješiti tokom uživanja u virtuozitetu. …Najnevjerovatnije je što to nije instrument koji je Bah poznavao, opet, Telarijev stil izvođaštva vrlo je svojstven istorijskoj tradiciji…Zbog virtuoziteta izvođenja, uvjerenosti tehnike, zaista je fantastično putovanje kroz Goldberg varijacije. Samuele takođe vrlo osjećajno koristi različite mogućnosti registara harmonike tako da je vaše uho privučeno, ali niste poremećeni promjenama zvuka – i pažnja ka detaljima drži vaše uho zaista živim, tako da ne mislite da slušate dugo, jer svaka varijacija sadrži nešto uzbudljivo, novo i srebrnasto da pruži…“
BBC Radio 3 Record Review / Delphian Goldberg / Jul 2021

“…izvođenje koje djeluje, prirodno abrazivno zvučanje harmonike šarmantno podsjeća na antičke portativne orgulje, i Telarijeva manipulacija Bahovom kontrapunktskom slagalicom je vješta i umjetnički upravljana nalik svakom klavijaturnom virtuozu…Virtuozna Varijacija 20 teče poput klapera, i Varijacija 7, Al tempo di Giga, teče poput oluje…
The Scotsman / Delphian Goldberg Variations / Jul 2021

This Week’s Essential New Classical Albums
“…ovaj album je divno snimljen i izveden.”
Gramophone / Delphian Goldberg Variations / Avgust 2021

„Ne dovodi se u pitanje podobnost dvomanualne harmonike u izvođenju Glodberg varijacija, uzimajući u obzir porijekla djela za dvomanualni harpsikord, i Telari se vrlo čvrsto drži Bahovog muzičkog izraza…“
BBC Music Magazine / Delphian Goldberg Variations / 2021

“Telari pripada generaciji umjetnika čija nadmoćna muzikalnost ide izvan granica njihovih instrumenata: ovdje, Bah postaje orgulje, Gubajdulina mistična molitva, Sen-Sans plamteći Orkestar.”
Il Sole24Ore / Carla Moreni / 2017

„Samuele Telari je kompletan muzičar, tih, promišljen i elegantan umjetnik, često apsorbovan u nematerijalne načine rada.“
Sandro Cappelletto / Limes CD / 2017

“Limes je latinska riječ koja znači “sporedna ulica, granica”…Samo izostavite čuđenje i konfuziju, i uronite u muziku. Telari je odličan, i njegov kontrapunkt je vrlo bistar. Ova kombinacija stare i modern muzike otkriva kontinuitet i granice istovremeno.”
La Repubblica / Limes CD / 2017

“…izvanredno izvođenje izuzetno živopisnog Opal koncerta Rišara Galijana; komad sa suptilnim, a opet prodornim referencama tanga. Telarijev izuzetan osjećaj za ritam i vitalnost briljantno ističu najistaknutije trenutke…oblikujući živopisan vrtlog oštrih boja i nasilnih kontrasta.”
I Virtuosi Italiani / Virtuosity and sensibility / 2014

“…Telarijeva manipulacija Bahovom kontrapunktskom slagalicom je vješta i umjetnički upravljana nalik svakom klavijaturnom virtuozu…”
The Scotsman / Delphian CD release / JS Bach Goldberg Variations – Jul 2021


…’the musicianship is so big, so irrepressible that he transcends the instrument he is playing’. BBC Radio 3 Record review

A prize-winner at the YCAT International Auditions in 2019, over the last year Samuele has made his debut as soloist with the Haydn Orchestra conducted by Kent Nagano. He returned to Wigmore Hall and Schlern Music Festival, and gave recitals at Saffron Hall, the Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Verbier, Wimbledon, Cheltenham and Deal Festivals, collaborating with Ema Nikolovska, Pablo Barragán, the Leonkoro, Esmé and Simply Quartets. Further afield he undertook a solo tour of Colombia. In 2021 Delphian released his recording of Bach’s Goldberg Variations at Queens Hall Edinburgh to critical acclaim. During the 2022/23 season highlights include performances of the Goldberg Variations at the MITO September Festival in Milan and Torino and his debut with London Mozart Players. He gives recitals at the Konzerthaus Berlin, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg and Concertgebouw Amsterdam, and with Tabea Debus, workshops and premieres a new project ‘Rotations’ with choreographer and dancer for Music in the Round in Sheffield. Passionate about contemporary repertoire he collaborates with Opificio Sonoro in Italy, working with composers such as Sciarrino and Bedrossian.  He continues to explore new music, over the last few years premiering works by Vittorio Montalti, Simone Cardini and Fabrizio de Rossi Re, among many others.
Samuele has performed widely in Europe and the UK including Snape Maltings Concert Hall (Aldeburgh), the Societa dei Concerti (Milan), Amici della Musica di Firenze, Cité de la Danse et la Musique (Strasbourg), Festival Nuova Consonanza (Rome), Amici della Musica di Padova and Berlin Philharmonie. As soloist he has appeared with the State Hermitage Orchestra in St. Petersburg, I Virtuosi Italiani, and the Quartetto Fonè and regularly features on BBC Radio 3, Rai RadioTre, Radio Classica and Radio Popolare Milano.  He has collaborated with theater artists Lisa Ferlazzo Natoli, Valerio Massimo Manfredi and Giorgio Panariello . In 2017 he released his first solo CD LIMES to critical acclaim, and in 2020 a duo CD for accordion and clarinet, BROKEN SHAKE. Born in Spoleto (Italy), Samuele is accordion professor at the Conservatoire ‘Domenico Cimarosa’ in Avellino.  Awards include 1st Prizes at the 2018 Arassate-Hiria (Spain) and 2013 Castelfidardo (Italy) Competitions.

In addition to Nagano, the arrival of cellist Michele Marco Rossi and accordionist Samuele Telari… contributed greatly to the sense of expectation. With accuracy, inspiration and a special understanding …the two interpreters framed the Seven Words of the great Russian composer.
Il Giornale della Musica / Haydn Orchestra conducted by Kent Nagano / February 2022

This whole recording is so joyful…the musicianship is so big, so irrepressible that he transcends the instrument he is playing…You can’t help smile throughout the joy of the virtuosity…it really is a fantastic journey through the Goldberg Variations.
Radio 3 Record Review / Delphian Records Goldberg Variations / July 2021

This whole recording is so joyful … the clarity of the counterpoint throughout is really remarkable … the way Telari handles the voices and the voice leading, it’s like a lesson in voicing. You can’t help smile throughout the joy of the virtuosity. … What’s most incredible is that it’s not an instrument that Bach knew, and yet Telari’s playing style sits very comfortably in the historically informed tradition … Because of the clarity of the playing, and the assuredness of the technique, it really is a fantastic journey through the Goldberg Variations. Samuele also uses the various registration possibilities of the accordion really sensitively, so your ear is drawn in, but you’re not distracted by changes of sound – and the attention to detail keeps your ear really alive, so you don’t think you’ve been listening for a long time, because each variations has something exciting, new and silvery to offer…
BBC Radio 3 Record Review / Delphian Goldberg / July 2021

…a performance that strangely works, the naturally abrasive wheeze of the accordion charmingly reminiscent of an antique portative organ, and Telari’s manipulation of Bach’s contrapuntal jigsaw as skilfully and artfully untangled as by any keyboard virtuoso … High-speed Variation 20 goes like the clappers, and Variation 7, Al tempo di Giga, would go down a storm at any Scots Ceilidh. When the final recap of the opening Aria appears it seems less problematic – the ear has attuned and the spacious calm portrays a welcome destination.
The Scotsman / Delphian Goldberg Variations / July 2021

This Week’s Essential New Classical Albums
…this album is beautifully recorded and performed.
Gramophone / Delphian Goldberg Variations / August 2021

„There’s no questioning the suitability of the two-manual accordion in taking on the Goldbergs, given the work’s two-manual harpsichord origins, and Telari sticks closely to Bach’s musical expression. It’s quite a feast of solo accordion …“
BBC Music Magazine / Delphian Goldberg Variations / 2021

‘Telari belongs to a generation of artists whose overwhelming musicality goes beyond their instrument: here, Bach becomes an organ, Gubaidulina a mystical prayer, Saint-Saens a flaming Orchestra’.
Il Sole24Ore / Carla Moreni / 2017

Samuele Telari is a total musician, a quiet, thoughtful and elegant artist, often absorbed in intangible listening practices.
Sandro Cappelletto / Limes CD / 2017

Limes is a Latin word meaning ‘side street, ‘borderline’….Just leave out your astonishment and confusion, and let yourselves into the music. Telari is great, and his counterpoint extremely clear. This combination of past and contemporary music reveals continuity and borders at the same time.
La Repubblica / Limes CD / 2017

…an outstanding execution of the extremely vibrant Opale concerto by Richard Galliano’s exuberant genius; a piece with subtle yet pervasive tango references.   Telari’s remarkable rhythmic sensibility and vitality brilliantly highlighted the most animated moments…shaping a vivid swirl of sharp colours and violent contrasts.
I Virtuosi Italiani / Virtuosity and sensibility / 2014

…Telari’s manipulation of Bach’s contrapuntal jigsaw as skilfully and artfully untangled as by any keyboard virtuoso…
The Scotsman / Delphian CD release / JS Bach Goldberg Variations – July 2021