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Najava koncerata, masterklasa / Concert and masterclass announcement
https://youtu.be/E0Ue1Nz0aWg |
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Drage kolege, takmičari, uvaženi gosti i prijatelji Akordeonart+,
Čast mi je i zadovoljstvo da Vas u ime Organizacionog odbora 12. Međunarodnog festivala harmonike, u okviru kojeg se održava i 4. Međunarodno takmičenje pijanista, srdačno pozdravim i poželim dobrodošlicu na ovaj tradicionalni događaj. Festival će se realizovati uživo, u intervalu od 31. maja do 3. juna 2022. godine, uz poštovanje svih mjera zaštite protiv širenja virusa Covid 19.Srećni smo što i ove godine imamo priliku da ugostimo izvođače i pedagoge svjetskog renomea, takmičare, njihove nastavnike i roditelje, i da zajednički nastavimo tradiciju dobre saradnje, spektakularnih koncerata i nezaboravnog druženja. Uz želju da nastupi takmičara, koncerti i majstorski kursevi naših gostiju proteknu na najbolji mogući način, pozdravljam vas i radujem se novom susretu na festivalu Akordeonart+2022. Prof. mr Maja Žuža |
Dear colleagues, competitors, respected guests and friends of AKORDEON ART plus,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 12th International Accordion Festival, which also includes the 4th International Piano Competition, it is an honor and pleasure to greet you and welcome you to this traditional event. The Festival will be realized in the interval from May 31st to June 3rd, 2022, in compliance with all measures of protection against the spread of Covid 19 virus. We are happy that this year we have the opportunity to host performers and pedagogues of world renown, competitors, their teachers and parents, and to continue the tradition of good cooperation, spectacular concerts and unforgettable socializing. With the most sincere desire for the performances of competitors, concerts and masterclasses of our guests to pass in the best possible way, I greet you and look forward to a new meeting at the festival AKORDEON ART plus 2022. Maja Žuža, Master of Arts, Associate professor |
Početna Program 2022