Maja Đogo (Bosna i Hercegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Maja Đogo rođena je 09.05.1984. g. u Beogradu. Svoje prve korake u muzici započinje u Ukrajini 1993. godine. Po povratku iz inostranstva završava nižu muzičku školu Vladimir Đorđević u Beogradu, u klasi prof. Jelene Filotić  kao đak generacije. Srednje muzičko obrazovanje nastavlja u SMŠ Mokranjac, gde je i diplomirala, odjsek klavir u klasi prof. Božene Griner i prof. Zeljke Vorkapić 2002.g., takođe u Beogradu. Muzičku Akademiju Univerziteta u  Istočnom Sarajevu upisala je 2002. godine u klasi prof. Jokuthon Mihailović i diplomirala 2007.godine sa prosječnom ocenom 9,27. Magistarske studije upisuje i završava u klasi prof. Aleksandre Radosavljević. Tokom školovanja u nižoj školi, srednjoj školi kao i na osnovnim studijama ostvarila je mnogobrojne uspehe. Nastupala je na raznim koncertima, takmičenjima, festivalima i seminarima gde je osvajala nagrade, diplome i značajna priznanja. Pohađala je Majstorske kurseve kod renomiranih muzičkih pedagoga: mr Aleksandra Romanić, mr Jokuthon Mihailović (Srbija), mr Pavel Nersesjan ( Rusija), mr Aleksandar Šandorov ( Srbija), mr Jurij Kot (Ukrajina), mr Hinko Haas (Slovenija), mr Lili Petrović( Srbija), mr Aleksandar Serdar ( Srbija), Mihail Rezek (Češka). Povodom svečanosti obeležavanja Dana Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu 2006. godine, rektor univerziteta dodeljuje Maji Plaketu Univerziteta za izuzetan uspeh (najviši ukupan prosek)  u toku osnovnih studija na Muzičkoj Akademiji. Pored solističkog angažovanja, nastupa aktivno u kamernim sastavima i ostvaruje saradnju sa mnogim kolegama. Trenutno najviše pažnje posvećuje aktivnosti na polju kamerne muzike u radu sa koleginicom Majom Žužom ( klavirski duo M&M). Za 10 godina pedagoškog rada ostvarila je zapažene rezultate osvojivši sa svojim učenicima preko 80 nagrada. Bila je član žirija mnogih pijanističkih takmičenja, festivala u zemlji i regionu.  Aktivni je član udruženja Muzičkih/glazbenih i baletnih pedagoga FBiH. Zaposlena je kao vanredni profesor na Klavirskoj katedri Muzičke akademije Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu.


Maja Đogo was born 09.05.1984. in Belgrade. His first steps in music began in Ukraine in 1993 , in Dniprodzerzhinsk, as the youngest and most talented pupil in school for talents. After returning from abroad ends basic music school Vladimir Djordjevic in Belgrade, in the class of prof. Jelena Filotich as the best student. Secondary music education continues in a ’’Mokranjac’’, where he graduated in piano department in the class of prof. Bozena Griner and prof. Zeljka Vorkapich 2002, also in Belgrade. Music Academy of the University of East Sarajevo enrolled in 2002 in the class of prof. Jokuthon Mihailovich and graduated in 2007 with an average score of 9.27. Master studies enrolled and ends in the class of prof. Aleksandra Radosavljevich. During her education in elementary and high school she was performing at piano competitions ( republic, international…) festivals, concerts, seminars, talent competitions, sections, courses and won awards, commendations, diplomas and significant recognitions. She attended master classes with renowned piano pedagogues: mr Aleksandra Romanic, Mr. Jokuthon Mihailovic (Serbia), Mr. Pavel Nersesjan (Russia), Mr. Aleksandar Sandorov (Serbia), Mr. Yuri Kot (Ukraine), Mr. Hinko Haas (Slovenia), Mr. Lili Petrovich (Serbia), Mr. Aleksandar Serdar (Serbia), Mihail Rezek (Czech Republic).On the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the University of East Sarajevo she was invited by the Rector of the University of East Sarajevo to receive the Plaque of the University and the cash prize for the highest score  in her generation and for extraordinary success during her studies at the Music Academy in East Sarajevo.In addition to solo engagements, appearances are active in chamber ensembles and cooperates with many colleagues. Currently most attention is paid to activities in the field of chamber music in the work with colleague Maja Zuza (piano duo M & M). For the 10 years of pedagogical work has achieved remarkable results with their students winning over 80 awards. She was a member of the jury of many piano competitions, festivals in the country and the region. Maja got a diploma from the organizers and committee members of the International competition of young pianists in Niš 2012 for excellent educational results in E, K, L category, discipline piano, k1 duo.  She is an active member of the Association of Musical / music and ballet pedagogues FBiH. She works as a professor at the piano department of the Music Academy of the University of East Sarajevo.